MS #1042, ME #3415
For Information Call: 832-969-0040, Massage Appointments Call: 832-253-2440


The Laurel School of Massage does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin or sexual orientation in the admissions process or administration of its educational policies.

  1. Tour of the school - The purpose of the tour is to familiarize the student with the administration, facility, procedures, policies, and to answer any questions you may have concerning massage and massage therapy training. The tour also gives us a more detailed sense of you as a person and potential student. Because we strongly commit to each student's success, we do in turn look for each applicant to have sufficient emotional maturity, academic and economic stability, and motivation to satisfactorily pursue massage therapy training. However, the tour is optional and is not a condition of enrollment.

  2. Submit a completed application and enrollment forms with appropriate fees.

  3. Be aware that a prospective student is ineligible for state licensure if he or she has been:
    1. convicted of, pled guilty to, entered a plea of nolo contendere/no contest to, or received deferred adjudication to prostitution or another sexual offense; until the fifth anniversary from the date of conviction for a misdemeanor of moral turpitude or a felony; or the fifth anniversary from the date of conviction of a violation of the Massage Therapy Act.

Student must be 18 years of age by the completion date of the program. A parent or guardian must enroll any student starting class before their 18th birthday.